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      The World Charity website is devoted to charity, humanism, development of the civilisation, science, the world politics and economy and also how to help the most needy and broadly understood between human cooperation.

       Bellow on this website there is a websites list of charitable organizations and foundations and also websites with information on investment opportunities in countries of the world as well as websites with travel guides of these countries. 


The world is a common home

.......Dear Residents of the World,
.......We are all one big human family, connected together either directly or indirectly. However this does not sound trivial, it is true, as the world is a common system of connected vessels. The world is our common home.
.......But our civilisation is far from achieving the goal, which should be the universal peace, intellectual and spiritual development of people, science and civilisation development, as well as the provided material well-being.
.......All existing economic and political systems treat a man more objectively than subjectively, betting on the profit or other goal than human and his development, what is largely the main cause of the broadly understood evil and pathological consequences. As long as it is different, so long the above-mentioned goals will never be reached, because human is a being – cause and effect – of everything or almost everything what is connected with its whole, earth activity and existence. And although it seems obvious, it often happens that it is darkest under the lamp.
.......Nothing will contribute to the above mentioned development in the global scale as the intensive effort of all people, our whole world population. No “golden means” meaning rivalry, competition, etc. can oppose the achievements of human intellect in a longer perspective, being the fruit of cooperation of great groups of people, their whole masses, the greater, the more effective fruits of this cooperation.
.......Why? Because the effects of such cooperation can be compared with the global network of the internet and the free flow of information, which each person may use at any point of the globe and at any time. That’s why any philosophy of rivalry, regardless of the degree of its motivation will not be able to keep up to such a mechanism, based on the strength of the irreplaceable potential of sharing the knowledge of many people, in addition in a short time distance.
.......That’s why such broadly understood  c o o p e r a t i o n  should constitute a new quality in the direction of which the world, meaning our whole civilisation, should follow. This cooperation refers to all fields of human activity and all parties: governments of all countries, institutions, research institutes, associations, organisations, and finally the very communities, as well as in a large degree the economic subjects. Not only the broadly understood cooperation is the more effective way for a general development, it also bases on positive human instincts, extracting the essence of humanity. All positive human features underlying the true nature of a man – determining attitudes, behaviours and general human aspirations and of whole communities – with which it comes to the world, they are often considered as naïve, may paradoxically become the most effective driving force for the development of humanity, at the same time really proving its majority in the eternal and banal struggle of good with evil, meaning positive and negative human features.
.......The potential of human intellect and knowledge, the more widely used in every corner of the world, like natural resources of the Earth, the more effectively it will bring benefit to everybody, eliminating at the same time all disproportions in the world.
.......This applies to each of the areas: science, education, culture, economy, economics, finances, industry, agriculture, medicine, etc. and the development of the global awareness, spiritual development, own humanity and general civilisation progress.
.......So in this relation, can something be done in this direction?
.......Yes, it can and must be done!
.......Just as it seemed ages ago that there exist things impossible for men, which today are commonplace – the discovery of new continents, invention of vaccines and overcoming many diseases or placing a human foot on the Moon, the achievement of the above described goals will become something real and common. Purposes which turn out to be real to be achieved, not by discovering a wonderful; “golden mean”, but by the growing awareness of these matters and the effort and work of human communities. They will become as common and real as vaccines, which stopped the death of millions of people from epidemics, which was certainly more doubted in the past than now in the above-mentioned achievement of goals. The only barrier is psychology, suggesting our imagination that these matters concern the whole world – the world, which is in the era of internet known as the ordinary global village. That’s why these barriers now, more than ever, are becoming very real to be overcome!
.......One of the examples of initiatives on the level of ordinary internet users is helping those, who currently need help the most, by promoting many needy and disadvantaged regions of the world in order to invest in them or their promotion in the tourist context. Areas, where the populations are devastated by diseases and hunger or unjust authorities or pathological political systems. For this purpose, below on the website I provide websites list, which are in a way model.
.......Another example is the promotion of business entities, legal entities and individuals, funding in various forms the help to the needy in the world, e.g., by positioning their offers from the given field in the internet browsers – for instance: the proportionally greater financial share of the given subject to the incomes, the higher the place in the ranking and the higher the page in the internet browsers. Such promotion could be realized in the internet via the internet websites of the organisations and charity foundations or ordinary internet users in the organised way, e.g., voluntarily, like it takes place  in the “Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia”. This is a positive example of competition based on the general interpersonal cooperation. Similar or different examples for all ideas may of course be multiplied endlessly.
.......It should be noted that for the effective functioning of all initiatives, including initiatives connected with the help for the needy, but also for the well-being of the whole humanity, now in the age of the internet and fast flow of information in the global scale in the almost unlimited amount, huge role is played by the informatics logistics, which has great opportunities to be used!
.......I encourage all of you to all ideas in any form and to share them also via the internet, leading to the formation of various initiatives and supporting the joint ventures using, among others, the internet as the global medium for achieving the above-mentioned goals. I also encourage you to share information about this website to others.
.......The sooner we begin our journey, the faster we contribute to the achievement of these goals and to saving many people from numerous sufferings. The path to the real global development of our whole civilisation.

Best regards,

Sylwester Fiet
Plock, Poland 

    World Charity – Websites List
      Websites list (links to websites) of charitable organizations and foundations and also websites with information on investment opportunities in countries of the world as well as websites with travel guides of these countries:

Optimized Economy or Optimized Economics – An economic model based on the potential of science




       List of medium and low development countries by Human Development Index (HDI) as included in a United Nations Development Programme's Human Development Report 2011 (list of countries by population).

See also the article  in the  “Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia”: List of countries by Human Development Index

AFRICA Investment Opportunities

Tanzania Investment Opportunities

Tanzania National Geographic

Sudan Investment Opportunities

Sudan National Geographic

Marocco Investment Opportunities

Morocco National Geographic

Kenya Investment Opportunities

Kenya National Geographic

Algeria Investment Opportunities

Algeria National Geographic

Uganda Investment Opportunities

Uganda National Geographic

Ghana Investment Opportunities

Ghana National Geographic

Mozambique Investment Opportunities

Mozambique National Geographic

Madagascar Investment Opportunities

Madagascar National Geographic

Cameroon Investment Opportunities

Cameroon National Geographic

Ivory Coast Investment Opportunities

Ivory Coast National Geographic

Angola Investment Opportunities

Angola National Geographic

Zambia Investment Opportunities

Zambia National Geographic

Niger Investment Opportunities

Niger National Geographic

Mali Investment Opportunities

Mali National Geographic

Burkina Faso Investment Opportunities

Burkina Faso National Geographic

Zimbabwe Investment Opportunities

Zimbabwe National Geographic

Malawi Investment Opportunities

Malawi National Geographic

Senegal Investment Opportunities

Senegal National Geographic

Chad Investment Opportunities

Chad National Geographic

Somalia Investment Opportunities

Somalia National Geographic

Guinea Investment Opportunities

Guinea National Geographic

Benin Investment Opportunities

Benin National Geographic

South Sudan Investment Opportunities

South Sudan National Geographic

Rwanda Investment Opportunities

Rwanda National Geographic

Burundi Investment Opportunities

Burundi National Geographic

Sierra Leone Investment Opportunities

Sierra Leone National Geographic

Togo Investment Opportunities

Togo National Geographic

Eritrea Investment Opportunities

Eritrea National Geographic

Central African Republic Investment Opportunities

Central African Republic National Geographic

Congo Investment Opportunities

Congo National Geographic

Liberia Investment Opportunities

Liberia National Geographic

Mauritania Investment Opportunities

Mauritania National Geographic

Namibia Investment Opportunities

Namibia National Geographic

Botswana Investment Opportunities

Botswana National Geographic

Lesotho Investment Opportunities

Lesotho National Geographic

Guinea Bissau   Investment Opportunities

Guinea-Bissau National Geographic

Gambia Investment Opportunities

Gambia National Geographic

Gabon Investment Opportunities

Gabon National Geographic

Swaziland Investment Opportunities

Swaziland National Geographic

Djibouti Investment Opportunities

Djibouti National Geographic

Comoros Investment Opportunities

Comoros National Geographic

Equatorial Guinea Investment Opportunities

Equatorial Guinea National Geographic

Cape Verde Investment Opportunities

Cape Verde National Geographic

Sao Tome and Principe Investment Opportunities

Sao Tome and Principe National Geographic

ASIA Investment Opportunities

ASIA National Geographic






Maldives Investment Opportunities

Maldives National Geographic

AUSTRALIA Investment Opportunities

AUSTRALIA National Geographic

OCEANIA Investment Opportunities

OCEANIA National Geographic

Papua New Guinea Investment Opportunities

Papua New Guinea National Geographic

Fiji Investment Opportunities

Fiji National Geographic

Salomon Islands Investment Opportunities

Solomon Islands National Geographic

Vanuatu Investment Opportunities

Vanuatu National Geographic

Micronesia Investment Opportunities

Micronesia National Geographic

Kiribati Investment Opportunities

Kiribati National Geographic

Marshall Islands Investment Opportunities

Marshall Islands National Geographic

Nauru Investment Opportunities

Nauru National Geographic

Tuvalu Investment Opportunities

Tuvalu National Geographic

EUROPE Investment Opportunities

EUROPE National Geographic

Moldova Investment Opportunities

Moldova National Geographic

NORTH AMERICA Investment Opportunities

NORTH AMERICA National Geographic

CENTRAL AMERICA Investment Opportunities

CENTRAL AMERICA National Geographic

Guatemala Investment Opportunities

Guatemala National Geographic


SOUTH AMERICA Investment Opportunities

